Coffee Beans for Cold Brew: Unlocking the Perfect Chill

coffee beans for cold brew

If you’re a coffee enthusiast, you probably enjoy exploring different brewing methods to experience the full spectrum of flavors that coffee beans for cold brew have to offer. One such method that has gained immense popularity is cold brew coffee.  Cold brew is a delightful, refreshing way to enjoy coffee, especially on hot summer days … Read more

Coffee Bean Processing 101: The Ultimate Guide You Need

coffee bean processing

When it comes to coffee, the processing method of the beans can significantly impact the taste and quality of the final product. There are three main coffee bean processing methods: washed, natural, and honey. Each method involves distinct steps and results in unique flavors. Washed processing involves removing the outer layers of the coffee cherry … Read more

The Intriguing World of Single-Origin Coffee Beans

single origin coffee beans

Single-origin coffee beans have become increasingly popular among coffee enthusiasts in recent years. These beans are sourced from a single farm or region and are known for their unique flavor profiles. Unlike blends, which combine beans from multiple sources, single-origin coffee beans offer a distinct taste that reflects the terroir and processing methods of the … Read more

The Connection Between Coffee Beans and Fair Trade

coffee beans and fair trade

If you’re a coffee lover, you’ve probably heard the term “fair trade” before. But what exactly does it mean? Fairtrade is a certification system that ensures that farmers and workers are paid fairly for their labor. This is particularly important in the coffee industry, where small farmers often struggle to make a living wage. When … Read more

The Art of Cupping: How to Evaluate Coffee Beans (2023)

how to evaluate coffee beans

How to Evaluate Coffee Beans? Evaluating coffee beans is an essential skill for coffee enthusiasts and professionals alike.  By understanding the characteristics and flavors of different coffee beans, you can choose the perfect brew that suits your taste preferences.  The process of evaluating coffee beans is known as cupping, and it involves carefully tasting and … Read more

Mastering the Art of Coffee Bean Harvesting (2023)

coffee bean harvesting

When you take a sip of your morning coffee, have you ever stopped to think about where those beans came from? Coffee bean harvesting is a complex process that involves careful cultivation, harvesting, and processing to bring you that perfect cup of coffee. The process begins with the cultivation of coffee plants, which can take … Read more

Exploring Different Roasting Profiles for Coffee Beans

roasting profiles for coffee beans

Coffee lovers appreciate the rich and diverse flavors that coffee offers. Have you ever wondered how the roasting process influences the taste of coffee beans?  In this article on Coffee Bean Hours, we will delve into the fascinating world of different roasting profiles for coffee beans.  We will explore the impact of roasting on flavor … Read more